SILVERapartment Belgrade, Svetozara Markovica street, Center

Location: Center
Address: Svetozara Markovica street
Rooms: 1
Persons: 2
Floor: 0
Area: 20m2, studio
Parking: No
Prices 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days 7 days 8 days 9 days 10 days
Price per day €50 €50 €50 €50 €50 €50 €50 €50 €50 €50
Price €50 €100 €150 €200 €250 €300 €350 €400 €450 €500
*For more then 10 days please call us or send email.

SILVER is a small apartment with an exceptional interior. It has a small pool underneath the bed.

Due to a large number of complaints we have received about this apartment we advise you to look through the comments the other users have left, before you decide to book it.

SILVER is one of the most unusual apartments in Belgrade. It is in fact a basement flat with merely 20 square meters of floor area, that has been rearranged into an adorable small oasis for a romantic encounter.  One half of it is taken up by a custom built bathroom with a glass wall on one of its sides. The other is reserved for something unseen in the world of short term rentals in Belgrade. Its bed is placed on a custom built pad which acts as a bridge over a small pool, so you have an apartment with a pool underneath the bed. SILVER's snuggled ambiance is made even more pleasant by the interesting lighting fixtures which are neatly tucked between the ceiling beams. The kitchenette is hdden behind a panel in the wardrobe and a small wooden bench with a table next to it seems like a handy place to dry off before you jump in between the sheets. Alltogether, it is a small and rather appealing studio apartment with a pool underneath the bed, suitable almost exclusively for intimate hangouts.
Apart from its extraordinary interior, SILVER’s main advantage is its location. Practically half way between Tashmajdan PArk and Cevtni trg  it is perfectly positioned for those who wish to stay downtown for their pleasure. Therefore, if you need a truly unique spot for a romantic encounter, or an apartment with a pool underneath the bed per se, then have a look at SILVER. It should not disappoint you.


Central heatingUnderfloor heating cable TV wireless internet Shower
February 2025
March 2025

* RED- taken, GREEN- free

Please state the time of arrival during the booking process. Also note that apartments are to be vacated by 12 PM (noon) on the day of departure.

Average rating based on service:

1.50 Cleanliness

User comments:

July 31, 2023

UZAS!!! Cim smo otvorili vrata docekao nas je smrad i zagusljivost.Voda bazena prljava i smrdi.Dusek kao da su pokupili na ulici.Pod prljav,wc da ne govorim.Dovoljno reci da je WC solja ne ociscena.Nisam vidjela losiji apartman i ne uredniji.

Cleanliness 1 Communication 1 Price/Quality 1 Location 1
December 01, 2021

Први пут ми је жао за бачене паре … Надам се да ће ово бити јасна порука свима који ће долазити у овај подрум … О власнику тек речи немам .. непрофесионално и бол у к … за људе који долазе Ноћ овде не вреди ни 15 е .

Cleanliness 1 Communication 1 Price/Quality 1 Location 1
April 02, 2021

Nismo ostali. Cim smo videli odmah smo izasli, ovo je nešto najgore sto sam videla. U onom bazenu ko svinje da piju vodu. Sve je prljavo. Zagusljivo, u suterenu ima jedan mali prozor, ljudi bleje ispred prozora, ma katastrofa. Sve najgore

Cleanliness 1 Communication 1 Price/Quality 1 Location 1
January 09, 2021

Uzas.voda hladna bazen mozete samo da gledate.unutra pocepana posteljina.cena od 60e apsolurno ne opravdana.da nismo poneli kupku kupali bi se samo vodom.obici svakako ove hotelijere.

Cleanliness 1 Communication 3 Price/Quality 1 Location 4
August 18, 2020

Apartman uzasan, gazde neprofesionalni, higijena daleko ispod nule. Stan je u suture u I zbog bazena napravi se teska vlaga I ne moze se iz drzati bez klime. U stanu samo jedan prozor za koji mora da se pomucite da bi ste ga otvorili. Voda iz bazena mutna I prljava. Bila sam u raznim apartmanima "stan na dan" ovaj je ubedljivo najgori. Trebala sam da ostanem 2 dana, medjutim zbog svega navedenog morala sam da skratim boravak. Ne preporucujem.

Cleanliness 1 Communication 1 Price/Quality 1 Location 5
April 14, 2019

Strasno los apartman, voda u bazenu prljava smrdi, ceo aparman se upari od vode iz bazena. Nikome ne preporucujem bila sam u raznim spa apartmanima ovaj je najgori.


Cleanliness 1 Communication 1 Price/Quality 1 Location 5

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