BEADapartment Belgrade, Stjepana Ljubise street, Zvezdara

Location: Zvezdara
Address: Stjepana Ljubise street
Rooms: 1
Persons: 2
Floor: 0
Area: 28m2, studio
Parking: No
Prices 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days 7 days 8 days 9 days 10 days
Price per day €55 €55 €55 €55 €55 €55 €55 €55 €55 €55
Price €55 €110 €165 €220 €275 €330 €385 €440 €495 €550
*For more then 10 days please call us or send email.

BEAD is a studio created for indulgence. Jetted tub for two, black satin sheets on a double bed, a minibar and an abundance of dim lights

BEAD is a brand new Belgrade apartment that can truly be called a short term rental for a day with a jacuzzi. It is a true treat for those who seek that special, romantic place for two in an area close to city center. The apartment is within walking distance of Vukov Spomenik and one of the busiest thoroughfares in Belgrade is just around the corner (Rosewelt's Street) The entrance door of this ground floor space hides thirty square meters designed for uninhibited indulgence of adults. The first thing you will see is a mini bar, a burnt sienna velour chaise lounge, and a heavenly white jetted bathtub with headrests for two. On the right hand side there is a double bed, with matted black satin bedding. As if that isn't enough, the base of the bed is embellished with LED lights, which enhances the splendor. The rest of the furnishings include a pair of ghost chairs, a shelf and a lovely white framed flat screen tv with a decent diagonal. BEAD also has a separate bathroom with a shower cabin.
The black and white contrast dominates the furnishings of BEAD. A sketch of a lady bust on the tile, a custom printed wallpaper with a silhouette of a female face emerging from black lace, a number of mirrors, figurines and scented candles and a multitude of dimmed lights all contribute to the unique ambiance of this Belgrade apartment with a jacuzzi. Urbane, elegant and sumptuous, BEAD is bound to be an eagerly revisited spot.
The feeling of privacy may be somewhat flawed by the fact that the apartment faces the street, but the non translucent blinds and black draperies are in there to lessen it. The apartment is out of boundaries of the zoned parking system, which unfortunately does not aid the parking process itself. The surroundings provide all the perks of the center of  Belgrade, but given BEAD's basic functionality, it is somewhat redundant to enlist them.


air conditioninggarage Central heatingShower cable TVjacuzzi bathtub wireless internet
March 2025
April 2025

* RED- taken, GREEN- free

Please state the time of arrival during the booking process. Also note that apartments are to be vacated by 12 PM (noon) on the day of departure.

Average rating based on service:

1.90 Cleanliness

User comments:

January 25, 2025

Djakuzi je neupotrebljiv zbog hladne vode, iz vodokotlića kaplje voda, jedna čaša, jedna šoljica, jedna čaša za vino. U kupatilu je grejanje slabo... Jedina svrha apartmana je djakuzi ali ne znam ko bi mogao da sedi u njemu više od 10 minuta u hladnoj vodi. Vlasnik nam je nakon primedbe za kuvalo doneo drugo što je lepo od njega, kako bi barem sa čajem mogli da se opustimo.

Cleanliness 2 Communication 2 Price/Quality 1 Location 3
January 03, 2021

Apartman nema grejanje, radijatori ne greju. Klima je prljava i izbacuje smrdljiv vazduh. Generalno previse prljavstine u celom apartmanu. Rupa u vratima od wc-a, vrata od wca ne mogu da se zatvore. Pola rolne wc papira

BeoApartman: Poštovani, Vaše primedbe su prenesene vlasniku, a vaš komentar i ocena su vidljivi svima. 

Cleanliness 1 Communication 1 Price/Quality 1 Location 1
June 07, 2018

Najlepsi ddozivljaj ikada sam doziveo u ovom apartmanu.Djakuzi je extra.Hvala za sve M!

Cleanliness 4 Communication 3 Price/Quality 5 Location 4
January 27, 2018

Razne apartmane sam obisla, u losijem nisam bila. Razlozi tome su: djakuzi iz kog izlazi nenormalna kolicina vode, nije skoro ociscen; presvlaka naslona kreveta se ljusti i pada po jastuku i posteljini; osvetljenje u sobi je lose i dobar deo ne radi; prasina vidljiva na svakom koraku. Ovaj apartman nije za preporuku i nikako ne vredi 50€! Velika razocarenje sam dozivela ovoga puta, a 7 puta sam boravila u apartmanima preko "Beoapartmana".

BeoApartman: Poštovana Mina, vaš komentar je prenesen vlasniku apartmana. Izuzetno nam je žao što su vam ove stvari pokvarile boravak, ali je važno što ste podelili sa drugim potencijalnim gostima.

Cleanliness 0 Communication 0 Price/Quality 0 Location 0
December 04, 2017

Popravite vrata od wc da vam se ljudi ne zaglavljuju unutra. Ne mozete izaci osim ako vas neko sa spoljne strane ne otvori. Satenske posteljine nema,a osvetljenje je nista posebno. Jedina pohvala za higijenu i djakuzi. Apartman je izuzetno cist,djakuzi kada savrsena. Sve u svemu,moze to mnogo bolje za te pare.

BeoApartman: Poštovana Jelena, Hvala na komentaru. Vaše utiske smo preneli valsniku apartmana.

Cleanliness 0 Communication 0 Price/Quality 0 Location 0
March 05, 2015

Jedan od najljepše provedenih vikenda u Beogradu! Svaka čast odličan je!

Cleanliness 5 Communication 4 Price/Quality 4 Location 4

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