Category: Serviced apartments accommodation in Belgrade

This category gruops all the texts we have published with regards to Holiday apartments, vacation rentals or simply serviced apartment accommodation in Belgrade. It may be a detailed description of an apartment you might want to stay in or a sound advice about where you might want to stay in Belgrade for the duration of any particular event.

Belgrade Vacation Rentals in Belville – an informed choice?

For the current offer of serviced apartments in Belville, click on the button Once nothing more than an echelon of gray, sulky, depressive, brutalist, gargantuan commie-blocks, criss-crossed by wide perpendicular boulevards, New Belgrade’s landscape is increasingly spruced up with vivaciously coloured, contemporary residential hives that change the scenery of the whole city. The area of New Belgrade closer to the Sava… Read more →

Belgrade apartments for short term rent – Half Cuban Eights and redefining of the offer

Belgrade Apartments for short term rent market has seen yet another ridiculously dynamic period, and notwithstanding our own expectations, took its own unexpected course. As benign advocates of far eastern philosophies, we have duly accepted the fact and followed suit. Some of the results of this period are compiled in the digital scrapbook beneath this paragraph, while the rest of this article… Read more →

Apartment for a day in Belgrade with jacuzzi

This text was published in 2014. FOR AN UPDATED LIST OF APARTMENTS WITH JACUZZI IN BELGRADE PLEASE CLICK HERE! Anyone with a speck of ethics should consider Belgrade’s serviced apartment accommodation to be exactly what its name states it to be – accommodation. Not an orgiastic den for the reveling youths of Serbia’s capital, but an affordable pied-à-terre for those who face serious… Read more →

Cheap but good Belgrade apartments?

When it comes to business strategies capitalism has brought about two simple rules: you’re either cheap and cheerful and available to many or expensive, elitist and targeting the niche or the monetarily unchallenged clientele. In other words, you get what you pay for. The rule pretty much applies to the market of short-term rentals in Belgrade. In fact it’s applied… Read more →

Belgrade Holiday Apartments – August update

Belgrade Holiday Apartments….There aren’t many businesses that have undergone such turbulent changes in their business environment as we have. If we were to analyze external factors (ones that influence the market beyond an individual company), any decent literature on the topic would spill at least half a dozen that could be observed in Belgrade’s short term rentals market: the instability… Read more →

knez mihailova holiday apartment belgrade

Top 5 Knez Mihajlova Vacation Rentals (2014)

Here in BeoApartman, we’ve compiled a short list of vacation rentals in the close vicinity or right in Belgrade’s most exclusive pedestrian area. If you happen to be looking for a holiday apartment in Knez Mihailova Street, check out our humble and really biased (but not uninformed) opinion of best possible choices. Enjoy! (if you are viewing this list on your mobile phone rotate… Read more →


It’s been well over four months since we’ve reviewed the last apartment in the Hedonists’ Apartment Survey. The reason for the delay certainly wasn’t the lack of appropriate material….on the contrary, there is a growing mutitude of high quality and nothing short of luxurious apartments that lend themselves at behests of those who visit Belgrade. The criteria defining luxury is… Read more →

A class of its own – apartment Mercedes Belgrade

If morning indeed shows the day, the Golden Age of short term rentals in Belgrade has started. BeoApartman has literally been flooded with offers of ever-greater and absurdly magnificent apartments in Belgrade since January. And as soon as we start thinking that we’ve inured to quailty, quality lashes right back at us and leaves us bedazzled. This was exactly the… Read more →

Accommodation in Belgrade dilemma – A Serviced Apartment or a Hotel?

With twenty first century well into its second decade, tourism is developing at a pace of Korean consumer electronics and accommodation, as its basic component, follows suit. In the midst of these tumultuous transformations and mutations of supply and demand, we, the providers of so called alternative accommodation options come forth – with a strong tendency to become mainstream. Serviced… Read more →